Happy 365 - Interactive Live Streaming Multimedia Performance
Official Selection Ars Electronica Festival 2020, Linz
Happy 365 is a digital performance on social media. It was created by observing both the sudden and rapid availability of recorded theatrical performances on the Internet and the increase of live streaming events during the confinement of the Coronavirus pandemic. It is based on the play Happy Days by Samuel Beckett, where the main character, Winnie, is trapped in a hole in the wilderness, condemned to a repetitive and restricted routine. Her only moments of happiness are when Willie leaves her journal behind and communicates with her.
In Happy 365, the performer (Winnie) is trapped in the web during the Coronavirus lockdown and tries to communicate with the audience (Willie) via an interactive performance streaming on Facebook that lasts 6 minutes. The spectators are invited to interact with the artist by writing a word they consider important or a link they wish to share. These comments modify in real time the visual and sound elements of the performance. Thus, the artist and the audience create a theatrical event together and share 365 seconds of happiness.
Live streaming video on Facebook: Facebook
Edited presentation on Facebook
Happy 365 in Ars Electronica 2020
Presentation - Interview at Agora Digitalis
Ars Electronica 2020